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April 2010 Newsletter
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![]() Founder, Donald Douglas DeHart 2/3/1935—4/15/2006
Legacy of serving Haiti began the winter of 1968-69.
While perusing the USAID packet sent shortly after the January 12 earthquake there were things in there that would have been funny had they not been so sad…
People are generous to a fault at times. They want to give but don't stop to think first. Any example of this is the number of indignant calls we have received saying “I gather all this food and clothing and the Red Cross only wants money.” … Oops, how do I handle this one since my own preferred reply is exactly the same? Oh there are exceptions, the lovely new clothing made by church ladies, the ditty bags of hygiene items, school supplies and sewing kits; there are medical supplies and things on our needs list… just not the garage and closet cleaning items that will cost us $1.50 a pound to get down….
Without losing someone who is genuinely interested in helping Haiti, possibly for the first time ever… how do you redirect that aid thought? One of the USAID examples was an article from The Wall Street Journal entitled “Sri Lanka Is Grateful, But What to Do With the Ski Parkas?”
Some food is not exactly better than no food if it is not within the cultural acceptance. If you are a starving vegetarian you are not happy with a plate of beef, for example. Even if not a vegetarian, if you aren’t used to it would be you delighted or hungry enough to dig into a dish of blood pudding (brains)? Would you be as delighted as a Haitian to realize you just bit down on the bullet that killed the pig? They consider it good luck. You would be calling your lawyer.
We received a generous gift of canned beans. Roseline was handing them out, people were thanking her and then asking for beans… she explained that the cans were full of beans that were cooked, a good thing, they use less charcoal. They were happy but who knows what would really have happened to those cans had she not been handing them out to explain what was inside.
Unless you have a good feel for the culture, unless you know someone in Haiti who will distribute your “stuff” to the needy and unless you are prepared to pay the cargo costs of getting it there… your best way to help is C A S H (sorry). And even then… make sure it is a reliable charity with experienced staff in the country or you still don’t know where it will go—as Don always said, “you cannot just send anything to Haiti and know it will reach the poor.”
I was reading a blog yesterday and asked Randy if I could quote him, his emotions, his frustrations are shared by all who work in Haiti. Following is from a nurse working in Haiti:
“All week long I've been going over in my mind ‘All the things
that I hate about Haiti’. Corrupt government. Self serving NGO's. Horrible
roads. Preteen prostitution. Children having to clean themselves by dragging
their bottoms through the grass - Worms. Starvation. Persistent begging (I
would too if my children and wife were starving). The vultures that use the young
girls. Absurdly rough roads. Raw sewage running through the streets. Garbage
everywhere you look. The total lack of cooperation amongst the Haitians, and
the list could go on. It has been a reality week for me. In the initial time
here I saw all these things on the periphery, but the stark reality never
really hit home until this week for some reason. As the poorest country in the
Western hemisphere, Haiti is no Mecca by any stretch of the imagination. With
between 80 and 90 percent unemployment, the sheer level of poverty here can be
In reading Randy’s blog it hit home about how your focus on God and His desires make all the difference, why am I here? What does He want me to be doing. Then you watched Randy’s attitude change from negative to positive, from looking at all the faults and troubles to admiring the strengths and approaches to challenges.
The tremors have not stopped, the rains are coming and more destruction of the landscape… how much can this little country take? But their endurance and faith are to be admired. As Anderson Cooper of CNN walked through thousands of people praising God just to be alive… he observed the lack of need for security… there was truly a 3-day revival … could you openly praise and thank God under their circumstances?
This is an example of the “roads’ Randy mentioned. Actually this is one of the better streets, it takes you from Cap downtown to the Airport… you quite literally drive into potholes in Haiti and most of the time need 4-wheel drive to get back out and hopefully have diesel so you don’t worry about flooding out.
As I write there were more reported tremors last night. Talk of a landslide in Labadee could delay the relief aid Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines have been delivering. Each new day brings its joys and its challenges but we keep our focus on doing God’s work and remembering, as Randy put it, why we are there.
Our promise is to be the best stewards possible with the help entrusted to us. The needs are ever increasing so may God Bless you and keep please helping… Eva
MEMORIALS Suzelle & Dr Pierre Conze In Memory of our niece MARIE LYNNE BOUTE TELUSMA Carol Quenzler In Memory of CHUCK QUENZLER Walter Fitzgerald In Memory of SHIRLEY FITZGERALD Leslie Allen In Memory of MAYNE ALLEN Michael Dominguez In Memory of MILDRED MacNAMEE Barbara Sitler In Memory of ALICE POPP Eva, Linda and Roseline In Memory of DON DeHART (4-15-2006)
HONORARIUMS Peggy Hunt In Honor of LUIS GARCIA-RIVERA 40th Birthday Meg Walton Honoring our RISEN LORD ![]() Gifts to For Haiti with Love are deductible as charitable contributions. For Haiti with Love, inc. is a Florida not for profit and a 501(c)(3) corporation with IRS, allowing your gifts to qualify as charitable contributions. Year end tax statements are mailed by January 15. Our mailing list is confidential, we do not loan, sell or share!
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e-mail us: ![]() Mission Field Worker: Roseline DeHart Newsletter Editor: Eva DeHart